
How much does laser hair removal cost ?

Saturday, June 5, 2010 Posted by Sangram
How much is the cost of laser hair removal?
To answer your question? Here are some of the factors that will affect how much you will pay for laser hair removal.
1. Whey you live. Of course, there are always price variations depending on your geographic location. The cost of laser hair removal differs from state to state and even from country to country.
2. Size of the area treated. Large areas, such as the entire back or the entire legs, will cost considerably more than smaller areas, such as the upper lip.

3. Number of laser hair removal treatments. Almost everyone has to have multiple treatments. This is because hair is always in the growth phase. The total number of treatments you will need depends on your hair color, skin color, and the thickness of your hair.

4. Type of laser hair removal equipment used. There arpricinge a variety of different types of laser hair removal equipment on the market. Depending on the equipment used, pricing can vary.

Here is very general average pricing information in the U.S for commonly treated areas. You can estimate other areas based on the size. Keep in mind that these are just estimates based on consumers reporting what they have paid for treatments on various forums:

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